Cetiya Dhammadāsa established since 1999, is a learning sanctuary of Theravada Buddhism in Sydney, Australia.
We hold pujas on most Sundays and invite quality speakers, both venerable Buddhist monks and practitioners, to support your Dhamma practice. Please ring +61 433 019 078 for details.
The Indonesian Buddhist Society of NSW Inc. (IBS) is a group of lay Buddhist practitioners who are committed to putting the Dhamma into the daily activities in order to be of benefit to oneself and to all.
Bhikkhu Santacitto Thera, PhD (Bhante Santacitto) was born in Central Java, Indonesia. He received Samanera ordination in 2000 and Bhikkhu Upasampada on 11 January 2015. In 2013, Bhante Santacitto obtained PhD from Kelaniya University in Pali Language and Buddhist Studies. During 2009 to 2012, he also taught overseas students at Kelaniya University. From 2015 to 2019, he was the Chief of Buddhist Education at Institute of Buddhism Kertarajasa, Indonesia (Sekolah Tinggi Agama Buddha Kertarajasa, Indonesia). Bhante Santacitto has produced 4 research papers on Borobudur Temple. He also often provides meditation retreats in various places in Indonesia for Buddhists and non Buddhists. Bhante Santacitto to Sydney