Dear Members of Indonesian Buddhist Society of NSW Inc. (‘IBS NSW’),
With great happiness, IBS NSW announces that The Most Venerable Bhikkhu Mahā Dhammadhīro Mahāthera (‘Bhante Dhammadhīro’) has accepted to become our association’s spiritual mentor.
Bhante Dhammadhīro is the Head of ADHIKARAṆASABHĀ (Honourable Board) – Indonesian Saṅgha Theravādan. He was ordained on 31 December 1989 at Wat Bovoranives Vihãra, Bangkok, Thailand with Bachelor of Art in Thai National Pali Course – Mahamakut Buddhist University.
In 2016, Supreme Sangha Council of The Siri Kalyani Samaggidhamma Sri Lanka honoured the award of Sasana Sobhana Siri Pariyatti Visarada (Master of Doctrine) to Bhante Dhammadhīro.
Being highly intelligent yet humble, fluent in Thai language, Bahasa Indonesia and Pali, Bhante Dhammadhīro has authored and translated various books, including the main Indonesian Theravadan Buddhist Paritta Book.
Anumodanā Bhante! May we progress well organisationally and spiritually.
Sari Young
on behalf of IBS NSW Inc.